Drivers GIS

To do your job with predictability, you need Trimble’s sophisticated GIS data collection hardware and software solutions that are as intelligent as you are. Solutions that allow you to streamline workflows—both in the office and out in the field—to optimize your productivity and deliverables, so you can make your mark with power. It’s more than just collecting data—it’s an entire system you can rely on.

  1. Drivers Gist
  2. Drivers Igs

Make Your Mark with Trimble.

GIS is essential to improving performance in self-driving cars and guiding drivers to their destinations as quickly, comfortably and safely as possible. Fresh Insights from Geospatial Analytics The rise of big data and analytics has been one of the most significant shifts for businesses over recent years. The 'Global Geographic Information System (GIS) Market By Component (Software and Hardware), By Function (Mapping, Surveying, Telematics & Navigation and Location-Based Services), By End User. Mailing Address:210 Central Ave SWOrange City, IA 51041 Name: Joey ReidEmail: joeyr@siouxcounty.orgPhone: 712-737-1765Phone: 712-737-6818Fax: 7 Resources GIS Data Pricing GIS Waiver Document Iowa GIS Data Repository Sioux County GIS Website. Renewal Of Drivers’ Licences Now Online. By bgis Aug 19, 2020 Top Stories. Sign up for EZ-Pay to renew your Driver’s License by visiting (MIST) Motorists now have the option of renewing their drivers’ licence online. The Ministry of Innovation, Science and Smart Technology (MIST), in collaboration with the Barbados. To check whether the 32-bit Microsoft Access Database Engine drivers are installed, go to C: Windows SysWOW64 odbcad32.exe. If on a 32-bit machine, go to C: Windows System32 odbcad32.exe to access the utility. Navigate to the drivers tab. If the Microsoft Access Driver lists.mdb and.accdb, then the correct drivers are installed.

GNSS Receivers
Office Solutions
Mobile Mapping
Drivers GIS

Whether you’re managing assets, responding to outages or natural disasters, or conducting routine maintenance, Trimble GIS solutions ensure you have current and accurate data for your GIS or asset management system. With the most up-to-date field data, you can be sure you’re making the right decisions when managing your assets and resources.

With leading-edge technology and streamlined workflows, Trimble solutions enhance your productivity by taking all the hassle out of GIS data collection. Trimble is renowned for integrating advanced GNSS technology with rugged field hardware designed to work in all conditions and environments. And it doesn’t stop there: Trimble’s software solutions allow you to work directly with your existing GIS data and schemas, providing efficient workflows for productive data collection in the field.

By offering integrated solutions with leading-edge innovation, Trimble ensures premier productivity and return on investment. For all your GIS data collection, maintenance and asset management needs, you can rely on Trimble for unparalleled accuracy and reliability.

For all your GIS data collection, maintenance and asset management, you can rely on Trimble GIS handhelds for unparalleled accuracy and reliability.

Trimble GIS handhelds and tablets integrate GNSS with hardware that is designed and tested for the demanding field conditions you work in. As well as leading-edge screen technology designed for crisp and clear outdoor viewing, Trimble rugged solutions are built to cope with water, dirt, extreme temperatures, and all the real-world challenges you encounter every day.

TDC150 >
Geo 7X >
Nomad 5 >
TDC600 >
TDC100 >
T7 >


Trimble GNSS receivers are a flexible positioning solution for productive and accurate GIS data collection. With the freedom to choose from a range of configurations, Trimble GNSS receivers provide timely and accurate data for decision-making and integrate seamlessly with industry-standard GIS systems and professional GIS data collection workflows.

R2 >
R1 >
Catalyst >

Trimble field software solutions allow seamless data flow between the field and your GIS or asset management system. With the most up-to-date field data, you can be sure you’re making the right decisions when managing your assets and resources. What’s more, Trimble field software is optimized for fast and efficient data collection, taking all the complexity out of your fieldwork, and ensuring you get accurate and up-to-date data for your GIS.

TerraFlex >
TerraSync >

Trimble software solutions facilitate a continuous data flow between the field and your GIS or asset management system. Trimble Positions™ Desktop offers a seamless integration into the Esri® environment for Esri users who utilize Trimble TerraSync™ as their field software solution, providing streamlined data collection straight into their GIS. Trimble GPS Pathfinder® Office software is a powerful and easy-to-use software package of GNSS field data post-processing tools, designed to develop GIS information that is consistent, reliable, and accurate.

Trimble Positions Desktop >
GPS Pathfinder Office >

Bring your geospatial data to life with the Trimble SiteVision outdoor augmented reality system. Trimble SiteVision unlocks and simplifies the use of geospatial information by allowing you to see your data in the real world – from property lines to underground services to conceptual designs. It is an ideal tool for public and contractor engagement in planning processes as well as throughout the project lifecycle.

The Trimble MX7 Mobile Mapping Imaging system is a fast and cost effective way to document site conditions with geo-referenced images and manage assets such as bridges, buildings, roads, highways, and power stations.

I have many field users
I am new to GIS

Managing data, from the field to the office, is challenging. Trimble and Esri® product development teams work closely on data integration, synchronization and overall compatibility. If your organization uses Esri products, learn more below about which Trimble products can integrate well with your systems.

Many organizations are struggling to find the most effective and cost-effective ways to equip their field personnel with quality data collection tools. Some collect data every day; others only occasionally....yet all of the data needs to be accurate and needs to synch up with the GIS back in the office.

You're not alone. This is a challenge that GIS teams around the world face, and Trimble has created some ways to help you scale GIS data collection and processing to your day-to-day, month-to-month, and year-to-year needs.

Organizations that operate in highly regulated environments (such as Oil & Gas, Energy and Telecommunications) understand the need for products tailored to their specific type of asset and compliance requirements. If you work in these industries, learn more about how Trimble can turn your GIS collection process from a headache into a seamless data flow.

The world of GIS can be daunting. Trimble understand this, and intentionally designs products to enable a quick ramp-up time.

Mapping & GIS Solutions Community

Communicate with other Trimble GIS users and Trimble support staff or provide us with feedback.

A Geographic Information System (GIS Software) is designed tostore, retrieve, manage, display, and analyze all types ofgeographic and spatial data. GIS software lets you producemaps and other graphic displays of geographic information foranalysis and presentation.

AdMaptitude is the lowest-priced,easiest-to-use professional GIS software available. For moreinformation about Maptitude please visit our MaptitudeMapping Software pages. Otherwise, please read on to explorethe GIS capabilities of Maptitude.

What is GIS Mapping Software?

GIS software lets you produce maps and other graphic displays ofgeographic information for analysis and presentation. With thesecapabilities a GIS is a valuable tool to visualize spatial data or tobuild decision support systems for use in your organization.

A GIS stores data on geographical features and their characteristics.The features are typically classified as points, lines, or areas, or asraster images. On a map city data could be stored as points, road datacould be stored as lines, and boundaries could be stored as areas, whileaerial photos or scanned maps could be stored as raster images.

Geographic Information Systems store information using spatial indices that make it possibleto identify the features located in any arbitrary region of a map. Forexample, a GIS can quickly identify and map all of the locations withina specified radius of a point, or all of the streets that run through aterritory.

In addition to the above capabilities, Maptitude implements aprofessional-strength relational database, a feature critical for GISsoftware. Attribute data may be freely joined to and detached fromgeographic layers and tables. Relational data manipulation is integratedwith robust and powerful geoprocessing for spatial queries, polygonoverlay, and other location-based analyzes. This is supported seamlesslyso that data are moved easily to and from relational tables andgeographic databases. In addition, the Maptitude fixed-format binarytable supports 32,767 fields and 1 billion records, and has unlimitedcharacter field widths.

VIDEO: Learn what Maptitude GISSoftware can do for you

List of GIS Software - List of Geographic InformationSystems Software - Developed by Caliper:

Geographic Information System Software Features

GIS Software Case Study

Maptitude is one of the most popular GIS software packages,and has extensive functionality. A list of typical GIScapabilities is presented below, and these are available inMaptitude:

Maps and Layers

  • The Create-a-Map Wizard allows users to easily createpresentation-ready maps using their own data or the default maps
  • The Display Manager allows a map to be customized on-the-fly
  • User-defined preferences for map units, left/right side-of-roadrouting, file permissions, geocoding parameters,and many other settings
  • Toolbox and mouse-based map navigation is supported and includespanning, zooming, and magnifying
  • Map bookmark management allows the retrieval of custom map views
  • Multi-layer map feature query tools allow direct interrogationof spatial locations
  • A map librarian/manager allows the organization of various savedmaps and comes with a library of pre-styled demographic maps
  • Geographic database layering controls allow customization oflayer visibility and drawing order
  • Multiple maps can be open simultaneously, and can be duplicated,combined, synchronized, tiled, cascaded, and minimized/maximized
  • There is explicit map scale control including undo
  • Layer autoscaling allows customization of the scale at whichlayers are visible
  • An interactive map overview window provides perspective as youwork and the ability to zoom anywhere in the study region

GIS Map Software


  • Extensive layer style control includes font/style/opacitysettings for points/lines/areas/labels/legends/drawings; point andarea styles can use most image formats and their resolution can becontrolled via scaling
  • Thematic visualizations include color, pattern/icon,dot-density, chart, scaled-symbol, and 3D prism themes
  • A drawing toolbox is provided, the drawing items arecustomizable, and there is a selection of north-oriented arrows
  • Each map has an editable legend that automatically listsdisplayed features and has a live scale bar
  • Stand-alone charting capabilities include pie, bar, line, area,scatter, and function charts
  • Advanced text label placement and management tools include livelabel manipulation en-masse or individually, automated positioning,callouts/rotation, font control, multi-line, framing, hiding,styling, prioritizing, stretching, spacing, autoscaling, andadditional text manipulation settings
  • Maps and graphics can be copy/pasted or saved aspictures/bitmaps (with optional quality/resolution settings) forinsertion into MS Office and other external applications
  • Printing to any printer/paper size is supported, with a widevariety of spatial print options including using fixed scale, withactual point sizes, and as pre-rendered images
  • Report/layout creation can utilize settings for snap grids,rulers, paper size/orientation, dimensions, margins, alignment,print options, automated district printing, and a variety of othergraphics software oriented options
  • Map interaction can be recorded to video
  • Layer style/label/autoscale override is provided through theFeature Display tool
  • Cartographic coloring uses Brelaz's Dsatur algorithm to assigncolors that ensure that no two adjacent regions have the same color


  • The tabular and geographic find tool can identify locationsanywhere on earth
  • Robust and flexible pin-mapping tools support geocoding byaddress, postal code, city/town, join, coordinate,longitude/latitude, by any populated place in the world (village,town, city), and also manually
  • Custom geocodable indexes can be created to pin-map based onexternal datasets
  • Geotagged images from smart phones, tablets, or GPS-enableddevices can be mapped

GIS Mapping Tools and Geographic Analysis

Geographic analysis tools are themost valuable component of GIS software because they let youanalyze the geographic components of your data. Below are someof the geographic analysis tools that are standard in Maptitude:

Territory Building Tools

Districts/Territories can be created using map-based filters or via tabular groupings


Circular buffers/bands for analyzing proximity

Facility Location

A facility location tool identifies the best location for one or more facilities from a set of candidate sites

Geographic Overlay

Geographic overlay/aggregation is supported and allows attributeassignment between layers based on percentage overlap forestimating demographics of territories, buffers, areas ofinfluence, and more

Hot Spots

Kernel-based density grids can be created using the quartic,triangular, uniform, or count methods, and allow 'hot-spot' mapping

Weighted Center

Weighted center calculations allow the identification of centersof 'gravity' among points

Shortest Path

The shortest path calculations allow for minimizing the cost ofthe path as an ordered/unordered route with options to producedirections and to return to the origin

Drive-time Bands

Drive time/distance bands allow you to visualize the extent to which locations can be accessedwithin a certain drive time or distance

Drive-time Territories

Drive time partitions allow regions across a line layer to be definedbased on network cost


A clustering tool groups points or areas into compactclusters, while placing optional constraints on the clusterssuch as maximum size or a balanced total field, such as Sales orPopulation


A balancing tool automatically creates territories that are balanced by a specific demographic

Routing Deliveries & Pickups

Routing tools optimize routes for several vehicles needing toreach many destinations for deliveries and pickups in fixed timewindows

Measuring Tools

Length/areameasurement tools allow map-based calculations

Desire Lines

Desire lines (also known as spider diagrams) allow thevisualization of flows

Surface Analysis

Surface analysis tools include spot height data querying,surface profiling, viewsheds, contouring, 3D terrain visualization,DEM/TIN creation, and the calculation of terrain shortest paths

Data Classification

Data classification methods include: quantiles, equal weight,equal interval, standard deviation, nested means, arithmetic orgeometric progression, Fisher-Jenks/optimal breaks, categories, andmanual classification (by range, counts, or percentages)

Areas of Influence

Areas-of-Influence (also known as Thiessen Polygons or VoronoiDiagrams) are a powerful GIS tool that divide the study area using atriangulated irregular network (TIN)

GPS Support

GPS support includes the ability to read/animate/import GPSdata, overlay tracks with aerial photos and topographic orvector maps, track real time GPS locations, create vectorline/point layers from GPS playback files, and import/exportformats such as GPX (the GPS Exchange Format)

Spatial Queries

Filter features based on geographic location, proximity to otherfeatures, by radius, by pointing, by polygon, or based on avalue or condition.

Statistical Analysis

Compute summary statistics (sum, min, max, mean, standarddeviation), compute spatial autocorrelation, and create boxplots.

Internet Mapping

Map server products such as Maptitude for the Web and Cloud andSaaS location-based applications allow you to share your geographicdata as device independent and mobile-friendly interactive maps. Youcan also add mapping functions to your web site or web-based solutions,such as providing the public with access to assessor parcel maps andvaluation data.


  • Image layer and aerial photo tools include registration, amanager/librarian, contrast control, smoothing (from 2x2 to 10x10)and interpolation (nearest neighbor, bilinear, high qualitybilinear, bicubic, high quality bicubic)
  • The image servers supported are Google Earth and OGC Web Map Services (WMS)


  • The Maptitude GIS program has a powerful proprietary relational database
  • Support is provided for over 50 file types and more than 100 GISand CAD formats, some natively including Excel, MS Access, ODBC,dBase, CSV, ASCII, ArcGIS platform formats (Esri Shapefile andPersonal Geodatabase), MapInfoTAB, Oracle Spatial, and SQL Server Spatial
  • Support is provided for exporting to many formats includingExcel, dBase, CSV, ASCII, Lotus, Google KML, ArcGIS platform formats (Esri Shapefile and ArcMap Document), MapInfo MIF, Oracle Spatial, SQL Server Spatial andAutoCAD DXF
  • Table tools include the ability to transpose, group/aggregate,identify duplicates, calculate statistics, convertlongitude/latitude to XY coordinates, print mailing labels,copy/paste values, and perform undo/redo of edits
  • Regression and binary logit models can be estimated on anymap layer or table
  • Table field tools include the ability to hide, show, filter,lock, format, multi-field sort, create live expression/formulafields, and perform multi-cell fills
  • Database modify tools include the ability to add/deleterecords/fields, delete filtered records, set aggregation rules,apply look-up table coding, and define field header balloon pop-uptext
  • Database joins can be aggregate/non-aggregate and as one-to-one,one-to-many, or many-to-one joins
  • Multiple filters per layer or database can be created using SQLtype queries, spatial queries (coincident, adjacent, within, andmany more), and data classification methods
  • Topological/non-topological spatial databases can be created forpoints, lines, areas, or grids
  • Topological/non-topological layer (line/point/area) editingtools include the ability to use digitizers, create one-way streets,copy and paste lines, merge/split features/attributes,add/delete/move features, line/area conversion, point-to-lineconversion, merging layers, clipping/masking geography byregion/area, and undo/redo of edits
  • There is comprehensive projection, datum, and coordinate systemsupport both natively and via import/export, and this operates inconjunction with tools such as vector rubbersheeting and on-the-flyraster layer reprojection
  • Any record can be linked to multiple files including photos,documents, web pages, and slide-shows

Development Platform

  • The Geographic Information System Developer’s Kit (GISDK™)has 850+ Caliper Script functions that can be called to createadd-ins, build custom applications, and to access Maptitude from.NET or as a COM Object


Maptitude supports the latest Windows operating systems, file types, andcommon design elements. Maptitude runs as a 64-bit application on 64-bitWindows. Advantages of a 64-bit Maptitude include:

  • Save to much higher resolution images
  • Use more memory than the previous 4GB 32-bit limit
  • Open/import files via 64-bit Microsoft Office (e.g. Excel and Access).

Minimum Requirements

  • Versions: Install on a local Windows device such as a PC orSurface Pro; Or install on a Citrix or Terminal Services serveror on a Windows device when accessing the software via RemoteDesktop Protocol (RDP) or Remote Desktop Services (RDS).
  • Desktop or laptop computer running 64-bit Windows 10, 8.1, or 8
  • Internet connection for download
  • Hardware: 4GB of RAM (8GB of RAMprovides optimal performance for users with very large datafiles.) 10 GB of storage space for data. More space will berequired to save the maps and files created.


Drivers Gist

Mapitude costs US$695 for a 10-year license. US$395 annually for optional upgrades.


Drivers GIS
  • Better see the information and trends hidden in yourgeographic data, tables, spreadsheets, and databases
  • Perform geospatial analysis: Create 3-D maps, heat maps,territories, drive-time rings, hot-spots, charts, and reports
  • Import, analyze, segment, and report on data in almost anyformat
  • Use location intelligence to filter and categorize data
  • Print, export, manage, share, and use location-based resultsto develop improved efficiencies and cost savings

Learn More

What is GIS software?
Examples of GIS software applications
US Census GISGeography
GIS Data
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